Four Things to Know About Baby Teeth

Whether a first-time mom, or a mom several times over, experiencing your baby’s developmental milestones is wonderful. When it comes to baby teeth, you want to make sure everything is on track with getting or loosing teeth, you are doing what you can to help, and, you may even want to celebrate it. With that in mind, here are 4 things to know about your baby’s dental health as well as some fun ways to celebrate along the way.

1. When Teeth Erupt

Your child’s baby teeth will begin to come in about 6 months of age, and will continue into their second year. As soon as teeth appear, decay can start so it’s important to start brushing those baby teeth with a tiny bit of fluoride toothpaste (no more than the size of a grain of rice). These primary teeth will then begin falling out and be replaced with permanent teeth around age 6 and can continue into young adulthood. Check out our infographic to learn more about keeping those baby teeth healthy.

2. How to Help with Infant Teething

Teething infants can experience pain when their baby teeth are coming in. You will notice increased drooling, a desire to mouth/chew objects, sore gums, and maybe a grouchy demeanor. To help with teething:

  • Give your baby cool or cold items to chew and suck on such as a washcloth or teething ring or toy

  • Massage your baby’s gums with your fingers

  • Talk to your doctor about over the counter pain management solutions

3. How Many/What Types of Baby Teeth?

Babies are born with 20 primary teeth, also called baby teeth. The first to erupt are usually the central incisors which are the bottom and top front two teeth. From there, the mouth fills towards the back, with molars erupting last. Lateral incisors will quickly follow the eruption of the first baby teeth, and canine teeth will come in within a few months after that. Just after a year of age to age two, or even longer for some kids, first and second molars will begin to come in.

4. When to See a Dentist

It’s recommended to have your child see the dentist within 6 months of your child’s first tooth eruption, or at age 1, whichever comes first. This helps establish a foundation for good dental hygiene. The dentist will help your baby with brushing techniques and address any concerns you have about oral care, such as thumb or pacifier sucking, teething, and more.

Always see your dentist if your baby has a mouth or tooth injury or other concern.

Fun Baby Teeth Activities

For some fun ways to celebrate and/or commemorate your baby’s dental journey, consider these fun activities:

Create a Baby Teeth Chart Page. Use it in a scrapbook, memory box, or frame it; your page is a fun way to celebrate the milestone of baby teeth.

Play up the Tooth Fairy. A few minutes on Pinterest will give you ideas ranging from notes from the Tooth Fairy herself, to glitter footprints or glittered money.

Keep a Jar. Create a special collection piece, such as a jar or pouch where your little one can deposit their teeth. Here is a very simple idea of a stenciled tooth jar.

Healthy dental care habits are important to start young for overall health and wellness. Get scheduled today to introduce your baby to a friendly  dentist near you.


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