
Perfect Teeth for Kids offers braces, clear aligners, and all other orthodontic dental treatments to children of all ages.

Braces, Invisalign®, Retainers (oh my!)

The team at Perfect Teeth For Kids provides pediatric orthodontic services that will help your child achieve a beautiful, healthy, and straight-toothed smile. It's best for our orthodontist to see children by age 7 to advise if orthodontic treatment is required and the best time for that patient to be treated. The first permanent molars and incisors have usually come in by that time and cross-bites, crowding and other problems can be evaluated. When treatment is begun early, the orthodontist can guide the growth of the jaw and guide incoming permanent teeth. Early treatment can also regulate the width of the upper and lower dental arches, gain space for permanent teeth, avoid the need for permanent tooth extractions, reduce likelihood of impacted permanent teeth, correct thumb-sucking, and eliminate abnormal swallowing or speech problems. In other words, early treatment can simplify later treatment.

Orthodontic appliances can be made of metal, ceramic or plastic. They may be removable, or they may be brackets bonded to the teeth. By placing a constant, gentle force in a carefully controlled direction, braces slowly move teeth to a corrected position. This is a great time to wear braces! Gone are the days when a metal band with a bracket was placed around each tooth. You can choose the color of the ties that hold the wire in brackets. Wires are also less noticeable than they used to be, and the latest materials move teeth faster with less discomfort to patients.

Want to learn more?

(720) 728-6530

Featured Service



Invisalign® is a positive alternative to braces for your children and provides the straight smile they desire in a discreet way. As an effective tooth straightening option, Invisalign allows patients to have greater versatility than other teeth straightening options. Invisalign is a series of removable clear plastic aligners customized to the patient's teeth to straighten them into the proper alignment.

Invisalign is available for your children at Perfect Teeth for Kids. Instead of being limited to traditional metal braces, we provide Invisalign as another possible solution to treat crooked teeth. Your older children especially may be more comfortable at the idea of wearing clear aligners instead of braces, as well.

If you are interested in exploring Invisalign as an option for your child, call our office or schedule an appointment today.

Reasons to Start Early



An early treatment would ensure that the permanent teeth are properly aligned and determine a proper oral health. This can help lead to a lifetime of good dental health and fewer problems down the road,


Correcting habits such as thumb sucking or tongue thrusting that may cause developmental problems later in life. These should be curbed early in life to avoid damaging a jaw’s growth pattern.


Correcting problems such as overbite, crossbite, and an underbite that cause jaw pain and dysfunction. Early orthodontic treatment promotes growth modification of the jaws and early extrusion of teeth which helps solve these problems early.

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FREE Orthodontic Consultation

Let one of our Orthodontists personalize your treatment plan. Fill out this form and one of our friendly team members will give you a call to get you started!